Wednesday, August 15, 2007


starting today, we are encauraging to upgrade the security level in our office and lab since yesterday, one of our staff, Mr Giorgio Ventura's drawer has been forced open by intruder..luckily, none of his belongings were missing...(Lucky that his apple notebook still with him!)

so, from that incident, we cant enter our lab superior has reset the access to the air shower door and no one can enter the lab anymore...and he is conducting a meeting regarding to the lab accessment today...

im collecting some data in the lad since yesterday and without lab i dont know what else i can do today hehehe..i guess, i need some rest hehehe


skinoff said...

camner ada burglar lak masuk hehhe
teruk siot security ofis u hehehe

AnliZalein Cheah said...

ntahnyer...xtau aa camner bleh ader org nak mencuri...hampess tul..nasib baik kat drawer i xder brg berharga...kalau x nangis aaaa

giĆ² said...

what a lucky guy that mister giorgio ventura... i would like to know him, to steal his ugly laptop :)