Monday, October 1, 2007

IWhat had happened in Sept?

yeay!!! its been ages i havent touch this page..hmmm what had happened to me????

on September

sent my friend a.k.a officemate back to his country..we sent him at was so is our last pic, which he sent to us..we miss u Mr Ventura!!!!

on 25th Sept, i drove alone to Johor. It was a very long journey and my back was hurt..ouch!! i went back to johor because i had an exam on the next day..hmmm..that was the scariest experience ever happen to even worse than SPM...I was so terrified...poor thing...hehehe i couldnt sleep during the night before..i kept thinking about my friend's word..he said, my examiner dont like my result and he wanted to question me bout that...hmm i couldnt eat..sleep...and i was like a zombie during that night..i kept reading my thesis again and all those papers..just to prepare myself in front of examiners...on that exam day, i dress up quickly and set my presentation slide head kept rolling over and over, finding all the possibility answers..i called my parents, asked them to pray for was my big day..and i have to get through all this...i just wish that day ended with a snap of finger..hehehe...

well, during the viva-voce session, my examiner didnt touch anything regrading to my research..he just discussed about my thesis only..he asked why i use this sentence, why did i use that word..he asked me to reword..rephrase..that's all..hehehe that was so relief!!!!! he passed me with 3 months correction and i felt like flying...i thanked him for reading and evaluating my thesis thoroughly....i feel want to punch my friend right onto his face!!!!! he's the one that should responsible for my sleepless night..because of him, i cant sleep well..having scariest and most frighthening nightmare in my life!!!!!

This is just only a master degree..what will happen for my PhD? hmmm it must be 1000000 times harder than this...hmmm i hope i can get through all this...


giò said...

who's that ugly guy in the pic..i mean the one with yellow t-shirt...

...and during the night try to sleep next time :D
bye bye

AnliZalein Cheah said...

hahahahah ye laa...whos's that ugly creature eh??? hahahahaha no laaa....just kidding..right now i can sleep tight!!!!

skinoff said...

No great man ever complains of want of opportunities.
++ Ralph Waldo Emerson

AILEM said...

babe, congrats..
wish me got a lot more easier k.. hehee..
Take care girl.. nway.. i've change my blog .. let u know later.. ahaks..

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