Title: Bila hati dah sayang
Singer: Salamiah Hassan
bila hati dah sayang
tak siapa yg boleh larang
bila sudah dipunya
selalu teringatkannya
bila sudah bercinta
siang malam ingatkannya
tidur baring tak lena
wajah selalu dipuja
bila rindu melanda di jiwa
tidak ada yang lain darinya
walaupun tak sesegak dipandang
itu tak kan menjadi soalan
asalkan dihati tenteram
bila sudah bercinta
siang malam ingatkannya
tidur baring tak lena
wajah selalu dipuja
bila hati dah sayang
tak siapa yang boleh larang
bila sudah dipunya
selalu teringatkannya
~ Salamiah Hassan ~
This is a nostalgic song singed by Salamiah Hassan in 80's. The song is about a young lady, whose heart was stolen by her one and only heartthrob, expressing her love, devotion, and never-ending feelings towards her lover. Fall in love…it’s a miracle experience happens between two heart..why do we fall in love??
The question is why do i fall in love??it’s so hard to explain it, but according to research, people fall in love, or seeking a love is because they want to expand themselves and to increase their abilities and effectiveness…these can be achieved through relationship…
Hmm well, it doesn’t mean that if we are single, we are not effective…we are effective in fact, if we are not effective how do we gain all the happiness and prosperity in our life now, it just that, maybe we can be more effective if we have other people to look after us and guide us..it is just my personal view…hehehe
skinoff said: Dalam Ayat Quran ada mentioned, 'Dan tiap-tiap jenis Kami ciptakan berpasangan, supaya kamu mengingati (kekuasaan Kami dan mentauhidkan Kami)'.(Surah al-Dhariyat: 49). Enuff said ;)
hmm always refer back to Quran...good..
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